Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Story

I swung gently in the hammock, reading and enjoying the sunny day. The birds were singing, the creek was gurgling and  peace reigned. And then .....  Hope Puppy landed in on the hammock with me. The world was spinning as the hammock spun and catapulted me onto the ground. I landed shoulder first and clutched my chest as pain exploded across my collar bone. As the world began to come back in focus again I realized that a black furry nose was pressed into my face. As I struggled to sit up Hope kept poking me with me nose and looking quizzically at me, obviously wondering why in the world I had done that.

Over the next 3 days I kept telling myself that I was not hurt and I needed to not be a wuss. On Tuesday I finally decided to go and let the doctor tell me I was being a baby and drug myself in to see what was going on. After being poked and prodded the doctor told me he thought I had fractured my collarbone. He gave me an anti-inflammatory shot and pain pills and sent me home with the instructions to report for an x-ray the next morning.

This morning I got the radiology reports and found out that I had "rippled" my collarbone. Oh yeah! it is good to do something so well. I am trying to concentrate on healing so I will be ready for my backpacking trip in two weeks. But I have to admit that after only a week after the injury I am already tired of this.

I also am discovering that I need a much better story of how I was injured other than "I fell out of the hammock". Somehow that just does not convey the adventure and courage that I would prefer my story to have.

Got any good stories for me?

Just Connie

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