Saturday, September 7, 2013


Breaking my collarbone though painful has also been entertaining. I have been offered some great alternative stories to  replace my oh so very dull story of how I broke myself.

The other funny part is how people have responded to the news and what they have said. I have two favorite responses so far. The first one response; on hearing that Hope had jumped on the hammock and dumped me out said, "Oh no! Is Hope okay?" I pointed out that luckily I had cushioned Hope's fall and she was fine. The other response came from my father who has decided in the past year that I really need a man in life. His response to the news was, "If you had a boyfriend that never would have happened."

I am looking forward  to what I hear next because it makes me laugh. It has really been funny and I would still  be laughing if it did not hurt so much to laugh.

Can't wait to see what I hear tomorrow ....

Just Connie

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