Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bubba Bunny

Over 13 years ago I found a tiny brown spotted bunny at a feed store. I brought him home and named him Bubba Bunny. Over the years he brought joy, laughter and frustration as he ordered his world around him.

He seemed to be a very easy going bunny, learned to use the litter box and had full run of the house. But then one day this mysterious thing called puberty arrived. He decided to have bab bunnies with the dog .... the dog was against it. He also decided it was important to "mark his territory". Which in bunny land means you deposit one rabbit pellet on anything you claim is yours. Unfortunately that included people napping on the couch, people standing in the hall and well .... basically anything that was within his line of sight. So .... Bubba Bunny made a trip to the vet, for an attitude adjustment which solved many of the troubling behaviors which had developed.

When I moved to Willamina, he staked out the hearth as his special territory. That meant you better have permission to put anything on the hearth (or he would push it off on the floor) or heaven forbid you should try to change his litter box or move any of his things around. He would charge and growl at offenders and it always made me laugh to see people run from this tiny 5 pound bunny.

Saturday I noticed that he was having trouble moving around by Monday he was much worse and I made the difficult decision to have him put to sleep. I am amazed at the depth of grief I am feeling for this little guy. He was  ... just a bunny. But yet he has been such a constant presence in my life over the past 13 years. His determination to order the world around him has been entertaining and often enlightening. I am going to miss him much more than I thought I would. I am thankful for the years I was able to spend with him.

Such a little guy .. to make such a big difference in my life .....

Just Connie

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