Thursday, April 6, 2017

Friends and Family

I was able to spend some time with a childhood friend today. We went to grade school,and high school together. I had not seen he and his wife since our last class reunion. But he is facing a health crisis and they heard I was as well. So they made the time to come and have lunch with me today.

We had such a good time and we sat and talked for two hours and could have easily spent more time if we all did not have commitments to get back to. I felt so good and uplifted after seeing them and so grateful for the time we spent together.

It got me to wondering though, why we wait so long to make time for the people we want to was our mutual health crisises that pushed us to make time for each other while we could. So often in my family, it is funerals and hospitals that seem to draw us together.

I live several hours away from my family and I do not get to spend much time with them, especially on my current treatment schedule. But I am realizing that I miss a lot of what is going on with the family. I know this treatment schedule will not last forever, but for right now it is pretty tough to fit everything in.

So I am going to work hard at seeing the people who breathe life into me, who uplift me and make me smile. And that means my family too.

I think I might need more hours in the day ....

Just Connie

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