Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Reminder

God is so good! It seems when I feel the most rejected and unlovable that He does something spectacular to remind me that I am not alone and that I am loved.

Last night I was very discouraged and tired but this morning began with a call from a friend. He said he had something for me he wanted to bring by. As I stood on the stairs and waited for him I could not imagine what it could be. I did not think any of the projects we were working on together had anything ready to be dropped off for me. But in a few minutes he was pulling into the driveway and there in the back of his truck was  a huge hammock. He said that he heard me say in a meeting a couple of weeks ago that I loved hammocks and I missed having one. He said that they had not been using this one and he thought he would pass it along to me.

My eyes filled with tears as I stood there and looked at this incredible gift ... I was so overcome with his generosity. I was also overcome with the sense that God's hand was at work ... in His perfect timing assuring me of his love and faithfulness.

So today I will be cleaning and polishing my hammock and if the clouds will burn off I will go out and spend some time swinging in the hammock and watching the birds.

That sounds like a perfect afternoon to me.

Just Connie

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