Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday Updates

I have had two frantically busy days of meetings, meetings and more meetings. In between I have sandwiched in counseling appointments, writing and playing with my grandson who has been staying with me this week. Yesterday was another 13 hour day and today was the same.

I really do not mind a few of these days but when I get too many in a row I find myself begin to get pretty drug out and tired. It is always a balancing act to try to not schedule too much that will all come due at the same time, but sometimes my balance it is not so good. This week has been like that.

But tomorrow I will take a break and head to Portland to begin the great search ..... the search for the perfect dress to wear to my daughters wedding. I always dread it when I have something specific that I need a dress for. It seems that the shape of my body and the shape the designers think my body should be do not match very well. And of course cost is always a factor. But the reality is that I have to have something. So the search is on ....

So why does that thought fill me with dread?

Just Connie

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