Friday, December 28, 2012


Complainers ... they seem to be all around me at times. The thing I notice is that most complainers do not want to be part of the solution, they just want to complain about what they do not like. I find that frustrating in my own life.

But tonight I am really discouraged ... because the complainers did not  just come to me, they fastened on to someone I care about. Someone who was ministering in a difficult position and doing the best they could. The weight of the complaints finally reached the breaking point and now she is stepping out of the position she has been filling. That means there not only is no one to do this incredibly important job.

I am angry for the thoughtless complaints that have hurt someone who just doing their best. Angry for the damage this has done to not only my friend but the damage to the ministry of the church as well.

I just wish those who have emotionally stomped up and down until it broke would actually be willing to now fix the mess they have made. But the reality is that they will not ... they will probably complain that there is no one to do the work now.

Complaining .... about the complainers ... somehow that does not seem quite right.

Huh ....

Just Connie

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