Thursday, December 27, 2012

Life Thoughts

Sometimes I get frustrated. Tonight is one of those nights. I can feel my frustration simmering. I would love to say that as a pastor I never struggle with this issue ... but I do. So now the question is what do I do with it? I am not willing to nurture this feeling. I am ready for it to go away.

So I will start with forgiving those that have stressed me tonight.  I will also remind myself that I am a work in process and these feelings are not wrong. They are here to tell me things and I need to listen. Then I will lay it all down at the feet of Jesus. because He has everything I need tonight.

This is life ... even for a pastor ... especially for a pastor. And this is not a bad thing. Anything that draws me to the feet of Jesus is a very good thing.

Just Connie

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