Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Snow Play

I woke to snow this morning. I looked out the window and there was a winter wonderland in my backyard. So being totally mature I immediately put on my shoes and went running outside in the snow. Hope Puppy thought that was a wonderful idea and ran and jumped and chased snowballs with me as the sun rose.

Eventually though, I had to pretend to be a grown up and actually go and get ready for work. As I have thought about my reaction to the snow break, I realize how little time I seem to have in my life for just play. Most of my time is fairly scheduled. I have meetings and appointments and there are goals to be met and people to see.

I am thinking that play is just as important to me as an adult as it is to children. Realizing that it is important ... it seems like something that I should try to work into my life. But yet scheduling play somehow seems counter productive.

I have a feeling that allowing time in my busy schedule is probably the key. I need to be able to have the time for those spontaneous outbreaks of fun. That sounds easy but yet it also seems so hard to do. But yet if it is important and I think it is, then I should try.

Anyone want to come and help?

Just Connie

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