Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thinking Thoughts

I have stuff to think about tonight. I attended a women in leadership conference today. One of the workshops I went to made me very uncomfortable. I knew that it would ... but I thought that I probably needed to go anyway.

I went to a "Women in Abusive Relationships" workshop. I have to admit that I was uncomfortable just walking in. I kept reminding myself that I have had lots of healing and I have come a long way in the last three and a half years. But yet I still found my heart beating faster as I listened. I still find it very hard to believe that I am one of "those" women. But that is the reality.

But yet, I refuse to be defined by that abuse. I recognize that there are danger points for me in that experience and I still have healing that needs to happen at those points. But I am more than my experience as an abused woman. I am learning about myself and the choices I have made. I am straining towards health and wellness.  I am loved and loving. I have friends and family who want to stand with me as I move forward. God is bringing healing and illumination to the dark spots of my past.

I am living and loving and growing and I think .... that is a pretty good place to be.

Just Connie

1 comment:

bmarquez said...

I read your every blog and agree that you are not defined by the abuse. You are an amazing woman of God on a journey that He will use to His glory and probably already has. Keep your chin up and eyes on the prize!

Always your friend! Barb