Thursday, May 23, 2013


Pastors are just everyday people. We have flaws and weaknesses and heartbreaks as we live life for Christ. Today I want to be somewhere that I cannot and frankly that hurts.

This morning my father is having a procedure to try to regulate his heart beat which has been racing for a couple of weeks. So about 9:30 they are going to give his heart an electric shock to try to get it in normal rhythm again. the problem with that is that I am not there!

I know that in the scope of heart treatments this is a fairly minor treatment. But everything in me wants to be there. I was unable to get my calendar cleared enough to be there by 8:30 this morning. I not only wanted to be there for my dad, but I want to be with my mother who shoulders an incredible burden with grace and strength every day. I hate the thought of her sitting there by herself.

So instead I am here at the office, praying hard and wishing I was somewhere else....

and it hurts .....

Just Connie

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