Saturday, September 27, 2014


I spent the morning rafter walking at the church. It is always an adventure for me to explore areas of the church I have never been in before. After 30 minutes of crawling around the rafters and stringing video wire I finished up and began the climb down which included traversing the ladder down the steeple.

I arrived tired, incredibly dirty and feeling pretty accomplished at the bottom ready to go on to the next project.

As I have thought about my exploration in the rafters I have been reminded that I enjoyed it for several reasons. I enjoy helping in very real tangible ways because so much of what I do is hard to quantify and measure. I also enjoy doing something very physical because so much of my normal work day is not. I also find that I truly enjoy working side by side with the men and getting to know them as friends.

I feel very blessed tonight, blessed by the opportunities to serve, blessed by friendship and blessed by the return of my health that allows me to spend a day like today in service.

And blessed is a pretty good way to be ....

Just Connie

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