Thursday, September 25, 2014

Worth the Effort

Months back when my asthma went red-line, my insurance company assigned me my own nurse. She called every week to see how I was doing and offer advice to help me get my asthma under control. I have found her advice and encouragement very helpful as I have struggled to regain normal life.

The appointments went from every week, to every two weeks and then finally to once a month. Today was the check in appointment after going a whole month. So much of my recovery was based around the fact that I had to get out and get back in shape for the backpacking trip. So I had to fill her in on how I did with the backpack. I think she was almost as excited as I was to know that everything went so smoothly and I was able to push myself a little bit without any major problems.

I also had to fill her in on the major asthma attack I had after I got home. The exciting thing was that I was able to handle it at home and I have slowly been regaining lung function. She reminded me that this will be a continual process. I will need to monitor every day and I will need to prepare for attacks. But I am finally beginning to feel like I have the tools and the knowledge to be able to control this and handle it at home. And I am finding that is a pretty good feeling.

As I have walked through this over the last 6 month I am reminded at how it seems like the important things are worth working for. The need to exercise and to monitor and to treat appropriately and to stay educated and tuned in. My good health right now and my ability to draw good deep breaths have been worth the work.

I think there are other things that worth the effort and work. Things like friendship, service and of course my relationship with God. It is worth every bit of work and effort that I invest and there is an incredible payout as I work. There is the love and support of my friends that I have invested time and energy in. There is the joy of a hard days work giving to other people. and most importantly there is the joy of growing closer to God. It is life changing, life affirming and life giving.

And that is truly worth the effort ....

Jut Connie

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