Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tight Fit

My good friends and associates rode home with me from the backpacking trip. We were all dismayed when we discovered that they were locked out of their house. As we walked around and checked every window and door we discovered that everything was locked tightly up. There was one small window about 7 feet up the wall over the kitchen sink that they were finally able to jimmy open. As we looked at each other and looked at the size of the window it was apparent that I was the smallest person there with the best chance of getting in the window.

So we found a step stool and carefully balanced it on the rocks as I climbed as high as it would go .... and it was not quite high enough. So then I stepped up on the handle and jumped up in the window pulling myself up and through. Except ..... I high centered in the middle. Behind me I could hear strangled laughter and snorts as my good friend Peggy as she tried hard not to laugh out loud at the sight of my backside hanging out her kitchen window. And that was when I started laughing as the ridiculousness of it struck me. Still laughing I finally pulled myself in by grabbing the faucet and pulling myself onto the counter where I cleaned everything off the counter top as I tried to find a secure path to the floor ... and that only made me laugh harder. But finally I was standing on the floor and could go and open the front door ... still laughing of course as I let them in.

I think it is good to laugh at ourselves, to laugh at life. I think I will remind myself to laugh often to be willing to look ridiculous and to be willing to share the laughter with the people around me. Because laughter changes things and life  could always use a little more laughter.

I wonder what silly thing I will do next?

Just Connie

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