Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Good Long Day

Today was a long day, a good day, but a loooooong day. I was up at 4:30 am for morning testing and then to yoga class. Leaving yoga, I hurried home, cleaned up, made breakfast and headed to the Fire Station making a quick stop for gas.

Once at the station I set my things in the Board room for staff meeting and then made the rounds, greeting staff, getting caught up on the news and then finally settling  in for the meeting. Since we had a lot going on and a major community event to prepare for the meeting ran long. By the time we finished up with the staff meeting it was time to move right into the a Union Negotiation meeting. By the time we were finally wrapt that up  and setting the date for the next meeting, it was well past lunch and I had missed the lunch time Kiwanis meeting. Grabbing the latest budget figures the Chief and I headed to the local burger joint to grab a late lunch and go over the figures together. For the next hour or so we ate, ran figures and got caught up on this week's crisises.

From there I headed to the Church to put an hour or so into preparing my handout outs for my presentation at the upcoming Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Drill. By 3:45 I was back at the station to meet with the Fire Students to do Mental Health training with them in preparation for our part of the upcoming Drill. Wrapping up with them I then met with one of the staff and talked through a couple of issues and did a station walk about.

That is about the time I realized that my phone was not in my back pocket and after looking for it at the station, I finally headed back to the church to see if I had left it there. Which I had. (No wonder my phone was so quiet during the training meeting) seeing that it was after 6, I grabbed my things and headed home to let poor Hope Puppy out.

It was after I had plopped myself on the couch that I realized I had not prepared the Minutes for tomorrow morning's Chamber meeting. So it was back to the church for Hope Puppy and I to get the Minutes done. By 7:15 I was pulling back into the driveway with relief. Ready to call my day done.

Now I am relaxing, getting ready to read a good book and head to bed. It was a good day, but a long day and I am tired. I got a lot done and made some progress on a couple of my projects. Had a couple of important conversations and still have a pretty long to do list.

But after all .... Isn't that what tomorrow is for? All the stuff I didn't get done today?

Yeah .... Well that's my story and I am sticking to it.

Just Connie

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