Monday, June 6, 2016

Another Monday

Monday, Monday .... I really like Mondays. They are my sermon and study day and there is usually a lot going into the day as I prepare the sermon for next Sunday.

This morning I popped out of bed at 4:30 to do my lung function and blood sugar test before I headed into my early morning yoga class. Class was enjoyable as always but rally hard due to my decreased lung function and all the sinus pressure I am still struggling with. It is no fun to do a "downward dog" when it feels like your head is going to explode.

I headed back home,  cleaned up, started the dishwasher, had breakfast and was at the office by 8am to begin my study day. As always I was interrupted by phone calls, urgent messages and people who had to have my input right as I sought and prayed where the new sermon series was going to take us. But in spite of all the interruptions the series got planned and the sermon got written, printed and e-mailed to all the appropriate people with the appropriate art work.

Wrapping that up I made out the deposit slips for my check and headed to the neighboring community to put my check in the bank. While there I was paged by the Fire Department  ....for a call at ... wait a minute the Free Methodist Church? It was only moments when my phone was dinging with messages as everyone wanted to know if I was okay. Trying to get out of the bank and allay the fears of those worried about me, I hurried back to the church only to pass the medic on route to the hospital. My guess is one of our homeless had a medical emergency in front of the church after I left.

Then a quick stop into the Fire Station to remind the students that I needed to do some Mental Health Triage training with them. And then it was back to the church to meet with my appointment who was coming in to talk to me about a local ministers license and the process to ordination. I am very excited to have two current students and then this one in the beginning. I do not think there is a greater privilege than training the pastors of tomorrow and I am blessed by the opportunity to breathe life and strength into them as they journey towards ordination.

Soon I will run home and rest for a couple of hours before I head to the Fire Station to train with the Fire Students and then I will head to my evening yoga class. There are those who are surprised by how much time I am giving to yoga. But I am finding it is an important component to keep me moving and breathing.

Following yoga I will head home, have something light to eat and get ready for bed. Because tomorrow .... well tomorrow will be really busy!

Just Connie

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