Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Another Day, Another Procedure

In just a couple of hours I will report to the hospital for the next go around on my sinuses. I think the surgeon will be fairly pleased. I will be glad to have this one behind me. Because I have a lot to get done this week.

Tomorrow I will meet with the Yamhill County Chaplains. I am looking forward to being with them. It is only our second meeting so we are still getting to know each other. But it seems to be a good group. But like any group it takes time for the group to develop trust and begin to strip the layers of protection off. I look forward to seeing this group grow into it's potential.

So for now, I will run some errands and then report to the hospital. I guess it is good to have these appointments because otherwise I would never make it to town to get the errands done.

There has to be a better way to do it ....

Just Connie

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