Monday, March 6, 2017

Wonderful and Challenging

Back in the saddle again ..... However this cowboy did not ride very long. I got my sermon done     (thank you Lord!) I was very glad for what had been percolating on my heart the last few weeks. I made a Bank run, a run to the Dr's office to get a shot for my post treatment headache, then a Pharmacy run. At the Pharmacy I was blessed to run into my friend Bob who used to own the pharmacy because they were out of my insulin syringes nd he was able to get them to find me some until more come in tomorrow. I would have run out today  and that would not have been good.

By the time I left there I was exhausted nd shaking. I headed home where I run into. Friend from church who was clening my floors for me. I blessed her, wrapped myself in. Blanket no fell into bed. When I woke up she was gone nd my floors were clean! What a wonderful blessing.

I am beginning to realize that I am not going to bounce back quickly from this. It is going to be painfully slow no frustrating. But I am not going to give am going to keep going, keep stretching myself a little bit and keep moving as my pulmunologist has told me too.

I am also finding that people are distressed because they either assume I am not resting or I am doing things I should not be doing. I am the best monitored patient outside of an ICU unit. And I am very compliant with my medical orders. I also have found that everyone knows what I need to do to get better. I need to take a special vitamin or supplement, I need to pray more or divest myself of some spiritual illness they think I have.... Well the list goes on and on. I know they have my best interests at heart, but it gets very frustrating and I know it frustrates them when I do not do what they want me to do.

So I smile, I explain why I can't do what they want me to or tell them I will pray about it. And I keep doing what God is telling me to do, while following the Dr's instructions to the best of my ability and trying, trying to keep a good attitude and get some actual work accomplished.

These are wonderful and challenging days ...

Just Connie


Joice said...

Sorry you are feeling frustrated. BUT, we ALL love you and WORRY about you.
I wish I had more time to help you. You are such a good friend.
Always praying for you. So glad you can do some sermons.
love and miss you very much..

Unknown said...

It sounds like you have some nice friends around to help you when you are unable to do house chores yourself. It seems like you have a lot going on and hopefully you will be able to figure it out. It is really hard when you are sick and not able to live life the way you unusually do.

Rudy Swanson @ HAAKER