Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tired ...

I am tired ... The kind of tired that saps you of your strength and drive. I do not often get like this, but this has been a partcularly hard journey the last few months. I have been fighting pneumonia, medication and testing, trying to fit in way too many Dr's appointments.nall of it to be sucking the energy and vitality from me.

It dawned on me today when my mother asked me if I was having a bad day. I Immediately teared up and whispered, I am having a lot of bad days. That is not like me at all and it truly srurprised mea. But I think it is an honest response to where I am right now. This is a hard journey and it is taking a to emotionally and physically.

My last two X-rays show pneumonia in both lungs with some scarring. My over night Oximeters test shows that I need night time oxygen which was supposed to be delivered today but it didn't show up today, so hopefully tomorrow.

I also get to see pulmunologist number one and it will be good to gets is input on everything. I would like less time caught up with Dr's and treatments however this seems to be my reality at this point. Right now I am trying hard to embrace where I am at and learn the lessons this journey will teach me.

I need to keep my eyes focused on Christ, stay positive, honor  my fellow travelers, expect God's best. I also need to keep focused in the positive. I want my life to be bigger than my illness.

I think it will take some hard work and determination....

Just Connie

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