Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Horse Ranch

I spent some time on a ranch today. I had been telling them I would come and take a look at it and so I finally did. I am glad that I made the effort for several reasons. It always lightens my heart when I am around horses. It just seems to lift my spirits. To lay my head on their flanks and breath in that wonderful horsey smell .... is just a wonderful thing.

It was also good to see the program they have running on the ranch. They are operating a Saddle Club for kids and I think it has the potential to be an asset to the community. it was good to stroll around and see the scope of everything they are doing.

As I was driving home I was reflecting on how many good things are happening in the community. All kinds of groups and committees are all working to strengthen the people of Willamina. This is truly a wonderful place to live. I feel very fortunate.

Just Connie

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