Friday, January 28, 2011

Kiwanis Project

I am a proud member of the West Valley Kiwanis Club. They are very involved in the community and really focus on kids. Tonight we had a fund raiser. A community dinner at the High School. We cooked and served clam and corn chowder, rolls, and cookies. I have been cooking cookies all week. I showed up at 1:00 and began peeling pounds and pounds of potatoes. Amazingly everything got done and the dinner went well. it was a whole lot of work, but was also a lot of fun.

I got to chat with lots of people from the community and met some new faces as well. It was good exposure for the Kiwanis and we raised money for scholarships. So all in all I think it was a successful project. Now the next big one coming up is the Bingo night in a few weeks. So it will be time to hit the ground running.

I guess running will be good exercise for me .... right?

Just Connie

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