Thursday, March 24, 2011

Food Decision

In 2009 my life took on a vastly different shape. My husband left, my grandmother died, my best friend died, my mothers best friend died, I closed a church, I lost my job and my father suffered a catastrophic head injury. It was a year of great loss and turmoil.

In 2010 I began to regroup and find my way back into normalcy. But in the next year as I grieved and learned I also gained something very unexpected and unwanted ... about 30 pounds.  In the past few months I have become determined to lose these unwanted friends. To that end I gained a gym and have finally begun to fall into a regular exercise pattern again. But still the weight was not coming off and I knew I was not being very disciplined with my eating.

So today I made a momentous decision. I joined weight watchers online. I am hopeful that it will bring the structure and accountability back into my food life again. I think that a friend will also join and that will bring additional accountability.

The phrase that has been ringing in my mind today is this, "if you expect results different than you are getting, you have to change what you are doing." So I am making changes. I think they will be positive. So a new healthier eating plan and a continuation of my exercise.

This begins to seem very do-able. ... but it will probably not be as easy as I want it to be.

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