Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I was interviewed today. I used to be interview all the time at the Mission. But this is the first time I had been interviewed since I had stepped back into the pastorate full time. It was very different to be interviewed for something so different.

At the Mission I always had to be on guard, to present the Mission in the best possible light, steer the interview away from "dangerous" subjects and try to come up with meaningful sound bites that would be written and/or replayed often. In this interview I was able to relax, laugh and tell stories. That was pretty fun.

I got to thinking later that of all the things I missed have about the Mission I have not missed the media. It is interesting because I never really minded that aspect of my job. As I have thought about it I realized that it is the being on guard all the time that I do not miss. I love being able to be myself and to be honest, transparent and real. I think that is an outcome of being  a pastor. We are called to that kind of life.

I honestly think I have the best job in the world.

Just Connie

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