Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sore Subject

Being a minister is never dull. Being a woman minister is especially .... well never dull. There are all kinds of things that I face as a woman that men never have to face. I have had box boys at the grocery store ask me how I justify my call to the ministry. I have  had men tell me how offended they are by my call to the ministry. Male pastors would never face that constant justification of their ministry. Usually I am fairly laid back about it. I don' feel that I have to justify my call, it is God's job to justify my call. But sometimes ..... sometimes it hurts, sometimes it is downright annoying.

I found myself getting very annoyed today. I just wanted to sigh in frustration as I stood there and listened. I wanted to say something pithy and cutting. I wanted to tell them to get a life and worry about something worthwhile. Instead I just smiled and nodded and launched into a different subject.

I have  a feeling that all ministers probably have "sore subjects". This is one for me. I do not want to be told why my call is wrong, I do not want to be told about all the things I should not do as a woman pastor, I just want to be free to follow the call and do the best job that I can.

I think ....... "If wishes were horse than beggars would ride".

Just Connie

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