Monday, March 21, 2011


I love books, I love the feel of them, I love the smell of them. Some of my best memories center around books. Reading has always been a central part of my life. Books have challenged me, brought me knowledge and deepened my understanding. They have been friends and companions when life was hard.

I knew that I would never be interested in an e-reader, because I had such a love of the books themselves. But after being challenged by my mentor, I began researching them and I finally bit the bullet and ordered one. It arrived today. I have charged it and downloaded my very first book. Tonight I will take it to bed with me and read. It is very small and very light. I have a feeling that I might really come to like this. I can listen to music on it, audio books, highlight and make notes.

It dawned on me while I was downloading my first book that this is yet another case of life mirroring Star Trek. It is hard to believe that the pretend future is here. So tonight I am exploring new territory.. "to boldly go where no man has gone before ..." Well okay thousands of people have beat me to it. But it is still uncharted territory for me.

I will let you know how my exploration turns out.

Just Connie

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