Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ministry Day

Ministry is a mixed bag. It is one of the things I love about it. Every day is unique to itself. One day I might be visiting at the hospital and the next studying theological truths and yet the next be involved in a community meeting. Today was one of those kind of days.

It began bright and early with the Chamber of Commerce meeting where I am Board Secretary and take notes. I always enjoy that time and really enjoy getting to know other people from the community. Over the two years I have been here I am growing good friends in this group.

Following that meeting I ran to the office and cleared off my desk, got caught up on email and prepared for my 10:00 meeting with my ministerial student. he is a great guy and I know that God is going to do wonderful things through his ministry. I really feel privileged to be part of his journey to ministry.

As I finished up that meeting my lunch date called and to remind me to head to the restaurant. For the next hour I laughed and chatted and enjoyed three incredible ladies of God. That special time energizes me and I look forward to it.

From there I headed back to the office and began to work on my weekly newspaper column. As I worked I fielded phone calls and visitors and threw the ball for Hope Puppy who could only nap under my desk for so long before she needed to run.

About 1:00 the Willamina Fire Chief dropped by with checks for me to sign. By the time I had finished up it was time to head to the school to volunteer for an hour. By 3:00 I was back at the church finishing up my column. After e-mailing everything to the newspaper I photo copied a stack of information for tomorrow's meeting while answering my e-mail and messages.

About 4:30 I began to pack up the car, stopped to confer with my Treasurer, get stove pellets at the Hardware Store and finally headed back home after only a 9 hour day.

My day was varied and busy, full of laughter, tears and everything in between. I had the opportunity to be creative, to counsel, to pray and to reflect. I feel like today I made a difference. In fact today was a good example of the reality of ministry.

All in all ... a very good day.

Just Connie

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