Monday, April 30, 2012


It had been a nice productive day at the office. My sermon was done, closing song chosen, all the info sent to the sound guys, the secretary, the worship leader and my web guy. I had finished the minutes for the EID and the Chamber of Commerce and even run off the copies for the upcoming meetings. It was with a great sense of satisfaction that I changed my clothes for my Monday afternoon walk around the pond.

I locked my computer and backpack into my car, unsnapped my massive ring of keys, selected the small ring that had my car keys on it and thrust it in my pocket. Then joining my walking groupwe headed over to the pond. As we took a couple of laps around the pond, the weather began to worsen and it was soon alternating between rain, mist and gusts of wind.

As we hurried back to the church I pulled my sweater tight around my neck and tried to head off the worst of the chill weather. As we approached the church I pulled my keys out of my pocket. That is when I realized ....... I had slipped off the wrong set of keys. With horror I gazed in the car window and there sure enough ... there was my car keys.

As I pressed my nose against the window I remembered with a sinking heart that was my only car key. With embarrassment I confessed to my walking partners that I was locked out of my car. Taking pity on me one of them called her husband. For the next two hours I stood in the rain and watched him as he tried to get my car unlocked. He tried picking the locks, he tried slipping something in to trip the lock all to no avail. It remained firmly locked.

Finally giving up, I called a tow company to come and unlock my car for me. As I waited I found myself castigating myself for doing something so incredibly .... well stupid. And realizing that this was going to be a $50 mistake was not helping me. Stupid ... stupid ... stupid was beating in time with the rain.

But  in time the tow truck got there and within minutes he had unlocked the car for me. As I was getting my wallet out of the car to pay the tow truck driver, God gave me an unexpected blessing. The husband who had been waiting in the rain with me and trying valiantly to unlock my car, used his AAA card.

As I shivered my wet way home, I reflected how very like God that unexpected blessing was. It was completely undeserved. I deserved to pay the price of my misdeed but yet He provided a way out. He also provided friends to stand alongside me and offer help and support. I am not sure that I deserved that either.

But I have to say that I like it .... and I appreciate it. Thank you Lord for friends and unexpected, unmerited blessings.

Just Connie

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