Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nagging Friend

Recently I have had a friend who has been nagging me. At the heart of his nagging is his concern that I am too busy, have too many commitments, too much stress and not enough down time. I would love to say that he is a complete crackpot. But the reality is that there is some truth to his concerns.

So I have been thinking about the source of my recent stress and tiredness and I think that there are some things floating to the top of the pool that I am gazing into.

1.  I like to be busy .... within certain boundaries. When those boundaries are compromised I feel the pressure.

2.  I need to be around people. So much of my life as a single woman is by myself. Meetings and community commitments have helped force me to interact with others when my natural desire is to hide and lick my wounds.

3.  It is stressful to have my son staying with me. I love him, I have loved getting to know him as an adult, but our natural lifestyles are very different. That difference creates a dissonance that is painful to me at times.

4.  I need to do a better job of protecting my Friday's from other people's agenda. They are my one day a week to rest and reflect.

5.  I have got to get the rest of the mess sorted and out of my living room. That is a continual stressful point to me. I want my house back again.

I have a feeling that making some small changes would make a big difference to me. It is time give some thought to what my needs are.

I think I am worth it ....

Just Connie

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