Monday, February 3, 2014

Body Thoughts

I have always been grateful for my body. Not always grateful for the shape or weight of my body but grateful for my body and all of things it can do. I always knew that I was considerably shorter than average having only attained 4'11'', but I have come to realize as I have gotten older that my body is rather remarkable in its ability to do a wide variety of things.

I realize that I was also fortunate to grow up in a sporting family. My father taught me to throw a perfect spiral and in grade school the principal had me teach the boys had to throw a football. I grew up on the ball field and was bat girl for my father's American League Fast Pitch team but the time I was in 5th grade. By the time I was in 6th grade I was warming up the pitchers and shagging balls at practice. I ended up playing ball until I was in my 40's when I finally moved to a community that did not have community ball teams. I also was riding dirt bikes by the time I was in 8th grade. We were fearless and built our own tracks and jumps. I remember so many wonderful weekends riding with my father and his friends. I was a gymnast, I ran distance, I hiked .... I used my body in so many ways and took it all for granted. I thought everyone did the things I did.

Now in my 50's I am finding that I am a bit unusual. I climb, backpack and hike. I cut wood with the men and have learned to run the hydraulic splitter. I can jump in the midst of any construction project and hold my own. I can work on roofs, in attics and basically do anything I want to do. I am finding that is not the case for so many of my friends. They hurt, they have health problems ... or they have no interest in being active.

It makes me very grateful for the body I have, for its ability to do all the things I do. For the many ways my body puts up with the rather crazy things I participate in and still flourish and do well. And even though I am sore today from a weekend of climbing 16 foot ladders and pulling hundreds of pounds of metal out of the attic, I am grateful for the way my body continues to let me do the things I want to do.

I think a little soreness is a small price to pay ....

Just Connie

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved your insight into this marvelous machine God has provided us with. Thank you for all the amazing things you do.