Sunday, May 15, 2016


I spent the last three days at a women's retreat. I was asked to teach a workshop on community service. In fact three back to back workshops an hour long each. I have been working hard the last month or so both on preparing the material for the workshop and getting healthy enough to teach.

One of my main concerns has been my voice. I have been so hoarse over the course of this illness and have actually been advised to not sing. (Which has been incredibly hard for me) I did not realize how much I was singing everyday though until I could not sing. I have to admit that my voice has been pretty rough and without much breath or tone control. So I have actually been a very compliant patient as I have followed Dr's orders throughout this latest round of infections and lung downturn.

I saw the Dr early Friday morning and I was told to monitor lung function and text him with updates. If there was the slightest downturn he wanted me to come back for a steroid shot. I just wanted to get through the workshops and share what God has been teaching me. So I headed to Retreat with the expectation that everything would be fine.

Saturday morning I jumped out of bed, checked my blood sugar and took my lung function. I was concerned to see that my lung function was no longer moving up, but it had not dropped. My ankles and legs were also swollen which meant another round of lasix for me. I could feel the fluid retention in my lungs and I sighed as I poked my ankles.

Zipping my boots up, I gathered my materials and began to prepare for the workshops, noting that my voice was hoarse. As I waited for the first class, I prayed for those who would come, that God might show them new possibilities and stretch all of us. I carefully arranged my Fire Department turnouts in the front of the class and began to greet those who were coming in.

The classes went very well, but I got hoarser as the day went on. I met some wonderful people and shocked a lot of people as I shared what I was doing with the fire department. But I have to admit that by the last class I was more than ready to make the climb back to my room and rest.

By evening I was coughing a bit more and by the next morning my lung function had dropped some. Texting an update to the dr with the news of a slight turndown. He told me to meet him at the office for a steroid shot.

As I drove the hour back to his office, I reflected on how blessed I was. Blessed to have the opportunity to share what I am learning. Blessed by the incredible people I had met at this year's retreat. Blessed by the wonderful worship and speaker. And blessed by a Dr who cares enough to monitor me closely and be willing to meet me on a Sunday to help.

It is a good thing to be blessed. I pray that I will always be able to count my blessings and live in the joy that it brings.

Just Connie

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