Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I have some really good doctors who all seem very invested in getting me better. That is a pretty good gift. Sometimes I think I have too many doctors, but they are pretty good about working together as a team. And my primary care Dr has agreed to be the point person in developing a treatment plan and helping oversee all of the treatment plans.

Today, I saw my Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. He has been trying to get me into the Sinus Clinic up at OHSU to see if there is anything else we could be doing. Because I have been sick again, he decided to run a scope into my sinuses and take a look. He also decided to take a look at my vocal cords since I am so hoarse. That is also done with a scope and through my sinus. I have to say that the procedure was .... Uhmmmm .... Well uncomfortable. But it got done.

What he found, is that there are no tumors, nodes, or lesions on my vocal cords. That is good news, however it also means the constant hoarseness is probably from the constant coughing and drainage from my sinus. He also found that the frontal sinus was still a problem. The very sinus that we had been trying to get a balloon procedure done on. But the insurance company has consistently refused to approve it for over a year.

The good news is that there is a new balloon device and the company that developed  it has agreed to work with the doctor and next week they will train him and use me as the Guinea Pig. It is a win/win for both of us and could potentially save me from having to have another full surgery again.

So next Wednesday I will report to the hospital for the procedure and perhaps  have an answer for this constant round of infections. At least that is my hope. Oh and by the way, on my way home I got a call from the Sinus Clinic at OHSU. They will not see me because they do not like my insurance.

Insurance companies are very, very frustrating.

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