Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Life in a Minor Key

I have to say that I have been surprised and at times dismayed over the sadness I am feeling over the loss of Charlie my 10 year old sheepdog. It has brought a sadness that seems to permeate my daily life. I told a friend that I feel like I am singing a song in a minor key. There is a dissonance in the chords that is not always easy to listen to.

As I have pondered that statement today, I was reminded that I have often chosen to sing songs in a minor key. There seems to be a reflectiveness or an expression of emotion in the minor that often just seems to fit.

So today I acknowledge that for now the chords of my life are playing in a minor key ... and that is okay. There is beauty in these notes if I am brave enough to listen.

Just Connie

1 comment:

caro_watt said...

I love to hear you sing, in any key. Some of my fondest memories are of your voice, blending with mine or others, or singing out strong. And often, the minor chords were the most beautiful. Praying for you today my heart-friend.