Monday, February 21, 2011

Dreading Tomorrow

I am sitting on the couch with a lap full of big hairy dog .... about 100 pounds of big hairy dog. Charlie seems content and happy. For me this is bittersweet.  Tomorrow I take her into the vet. I am afraid that I will not be bringing her home with me.

It was just a few months ago that I found out that my 10 year old sheep dogs had a tumor in her head. She has done pretty well, but these last two weeks she seems to be failing. She seems uncomfortable and uneasy. She is restless and never sleeps for very long. Her discomfort seems to be growing. I do not want that for her. So tomorrow we have an appointment with the vet.

She has been a great companion and friend to me. She has pulled me up mountains, run alongside my skis and protected my back on dark and stormy nights. I am not ready for this to be over. My heart is heavy as I contemplate tomorrow.

This is a day I would like to skip ......

Just Connie

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