Wednesday, February 9, 2011

People Problems

By nature I like people. I am an extrovert, being with people energizes me. But every once in a while there is someone that is .... well .... like a huge sponge sucking the life out of me. I had an employee that was rather like this. he was always on the verge of being fired. I have never spent so much time trying to salvage an employee as I did him. He frustrated me in ways that I did not even know I could be frustrated. He would improve while I was minutely checking his progress and then quickly go back to his previous behavior.

I had lost track of him and heard last year he had been arrested for a sex abuse charge. I was saddened for him but to be honest have seldom given it much thought. Tonight that changed when he contacted me through a friend because he wanted to get in touch with me. I decided to check and see what the charges were. I was horrified. There were a couple of Sodomy charges, Rape 1, and Sex Abuse 1. I have to say that I do not feel very compassionate towards him at this point. I am glad that he is safely locked up and I do not have any plans to contact him.

I can't imagine what would make him contact me? Do I seem to be an easy touch because I never fired him? I have no tolerance for being part of a pity party for his own poor choices. I do not want any part of it. I will pray about it and pray for him and especially pray his victim. I have to say that the whole thing makes me feel icky ......

Ick .....

Just Connie

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