Saturday, February 19, 2011

Quiet Day, Busy Night

I had a quiet day and a busy night. I slept in till 7 which is amazing for me and then laid around and read for several hours. I spent much of the day on the couch reading and watching TV. It has been ages since I have had a day like that. I really enjoyed it.

But then it was time to head to Sheridan for the Kiwanis Bingo night. I floated around and chatted and sold raffle tickets. Just about the time the Bingo was actually beginning it was time to head to the church. There I set up the tables for Sunday School and then prayed through the church. By then the musicians were there practicing and I spent time singing with them. I love this time on Saturday night. It lifts my heart and fills me with joy.

I headed home happy and contented. Sometimes it is really good to be busy. It fills my life with people and purpose and I think that is a very good thing.

Just Connie

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