Saturday, March 7, 2009

2 weeks ago I lost my lifelong friend and confident, my grandmother. On the same day my husband went to live in another city. Today I officiated the memorial service and graveside for a close family friend. While I did that there was another memorial service going on for one of my closest friends and hiking partner.

Within the space of two weeks, the shape of my life has changed. My home life, my social life, my extended family ... is not just different, it is an alien and unwanted land. It is like going to sleep on a sunny beach and waking up on Mars.

As I stand on this new planet, I struggle with accomplishing the trip back home. I can see it, I know that it is possible .... but how do I make it happen? I don't like this planet I find myself on.

However, I recognize that my life is, what it is. I need to face that life is now different. I think it will be a day by day, moment by moment commitment. A commitment that only I can make. I believe that it will only happen in living faithfully. I believe that the trip back will be made in faithful confident steps.

"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

He will bring me through this. That confidence will enable me to live in hopeful expectancy for the future. Christ will get me home.

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