Friday, March 20, 2009

A Desperate Aloneness

Easter is coming in just a few short weeks. I went out and bought sacks and sacks of candy, pretty tablecloths, napkins and everything that we would need for our annual Easter breakfast at the Mission.

For many that come to the Mission, holidays are especially hard. So we work hard to make holiday meals special and for every person to know that they are valued and loved. Easter has always been my favorite holiday at the Mission. It is the one time during the year when the executive staff get to serve the clients. We do not take any outside volunteers for Easter Breakfast. Instead the staff come in and prepare, cook, serve and clean a wonderful Easter meal for all those who come. I always look forward with anticipation to Easter.

But this year I found myself kind of dragging as I ran around and got the things we would need. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was bothering me. It finally dawned on me that I am not going to enjoy being alone for Easter. Though in the midst of such a busy day, how can I consider that alone? But the reality is that with my husband gone, everything feels like it changes. After church on Easter I will still go home to an empty house. There is a kind of desperate aloneness that I work very hard to not focus on. But it is there … creeping up on me, laying in wait for an unguarded moment.

It occurs to me that this is what the majority of the homeless are facing every day… a life of desperate aloneness. You know if nothing else, this gives me a first hand understanding of what they might be feeling. I rather think that if I think more of them and less of me Easter will be what it should be which is a celebration of the resurrected Christ. What better way to celebrate Easter than to let God resurrect poor broken me to new life and fresh hope.

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection
Philippians 3:10

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