Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obedience & A Vow

Well here it is Sunday and that means that today’s post is this morning’s sermon. I am preaching through the Book of Acts and today we are looking at Chapter 7. To give some background information, Stephen has just been arrested by the Sanhedrin and basically accused of heresy. They actually ask him to respond to the charges. And he does! In fact it is the longest recorded sermon in scripture. He gives them the history of Israel and then wraps it up with this:

51"You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers:
You always resist the Holy Spirit! 52Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute?
They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have
betrayed and murdered him— 53you who have received the law that was put into effect through
angels but have not obeyed it."

Stephen plainly told them that God had provided for them time and time again and they turned from him. God’s faithfulness and man’s unfaithfulness. Let’s take a look at the law.

1. The Purpose of the Law
a. To reconcile an unholy people (all of mankind) to a holy God.

2. The Reality of the Law.
a. Mankind cannot follow the law successfully.
b. The law does not change the sinful nature of man

3. Jesus & the Law
a. Jesus by his own words came to fulfill the law. (Matthew 15:7)
b. Jesus wrapped up all the law into 2 statements:
Love the Lord your God & Love Other People (Matthew 37:40)

Conclusion: Stephen called these religious leaders uncircumcised. It was an offensive statement to people who were living by the letter of the law.

Circumcision was obedience and a vow; Obedience to what God had asked and a vow to live as his people. Today we are still called to obedience and a vow. Does that obedience and my vow make a difference in how I live…in what I think … in my attitudes and reactions? It should … if we could use this passage as a reminder of easy it is to follow the form and forget what is truly essential. It could be life changing … it should we life changing.

And Lord let the life changed start with me.

Just Connie

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