Saturday, April 18, 2009

High School Friends

I laughed today, it felt satisfying and good. In fact I laughed many times and I just looked in the mirror and I am still smiling. It has been a long time since I have felt this general sense of well being.

This afternoon was my pre-35 year reunion meeting. I was nervous about going. Afraid that no one would know me… afraid that no one would want to talk to me…. afraid I would find nothing in common with these people that I went to school with. Well, none of those fears were realized today. I hugged and kissed people I have not seen in 30 years. People that I was genuinely glad to see and hear how their lives have gone. I felt affirmed and valued and I was touched at the school incidents that people remembered and shared.

Near the end of the meeting as I was talking, I was asked this question, “Did I do anything to you that I need to apologize for or did I hurt you in any way?” I was very surprised at the depth of that question. In this case there was nothing to forgive and I was warmed and touched that he took such a risk with me and asked.

That question has got me thinking …. what would be different in my life and in the lives of those around me if I asked them that? I wonder how many potential problems I could head off, if I put more thought into the relationship, put more of “me” on the line. It is kind of a scary thought, because there might be things that I am unaware of , that I do need to apologize for … things I really do not want to hear. I guess it is really about humbling my “importance” and my "fears" for the well being of someone else. It is about caring for the people around me.

“He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” Psalm 25:9

I think I am going to ponder this question and pray about what God would have me do. I think it might be time for me to be stretched.

Just Connie

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