Thursday, November 11, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Today is my daughter's birthday. 25 years ago another woman gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. In love and compassion she placed that baby girl for adoption. 5 days later Joy came home with me. Her arrival brought so much into my life. I am very grateful that she was entrusted to me.

As I think about her birthday today it has made me reflect on what I wish for her. So here is my list of 25 birthday wishes for my Joy. (not necessarily in order of importance)

1.  Confidence that will sustain you
2.  Education that will teach you
3.  Purpose that will fulfill you
4.  A job that will let you work hard
5.  A partner to love you
6.  For an unbroken heart, that love will never betray you
7.  A life of  faith to bring hope to your days
8.  A home that is a sanctuary
9.  The desire and ability to dance
10. Laughter to brighten your life
11. Hobbies to bring interest and fullness
12. Family to be protection and support
13. A place to belong
14. Furry friends to give you unconditional love
15. Good Books
16. Good games to remind you to play
17. Friends to love you
18. The urge to pray, to remind you that God is near
19. Nature to bless your heart
20. Good health
21. Vision for the future
22. The knowledge that you are loved
23. An understanding of who you are in Christ
24. Hope that tomorrow will come
25. A Church family to encourage you

Happy Birthday Joy, I love you,

Just Connie, your mom

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