Monday, November 29, 2010

Charlie Update

I have been tenderly caring for Charlie my sheepdog. I have mopped up blood and laundered bedding and tried to not have my house looking like an axe murderer has been at work there. One of the things I decided to do at the vet's office was to put her on large doses of antibiotics in case there was an underlying infection. In fact two different types of antibiotics. I also opted for doses of vitamin K which is supposed to help her blood clot so she does not bleed as much.

Yesterday, she only had one small nose bleed and today she has had none. I am trying hard to not get my hopes up. I realize that it could be the meds are doing what they are supposed to and clearing the symptoms but not the real problem. I also realize that it could be part of the normal ebb and flow of the tumor and might not bleed for a while. But I also realize that it could be a miracle and she might be healed.

So today I am encouraged. I have been able to clean up some of the blood and have been so blessed at perky Charlie seems. She has run and played and seems to be so well it is hard to imagine that there is something horrible growing in her head.

So I think I will keep enjoying every day I am given with her and keep praying for a miracle.

Just Connie

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