Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July 2011

I am recovering from a busy, but wonderful 4th of July. It began with serving breakfast for the Kiwanis at the local grange hall (at 6:00) Then I rushed to the house changed my clothes and headed to the church for the chaos that was waiting for me there. 

Every year the church sells Elephant Ears  for the big town celebration. We had wall to wall people coming in all day long. We also had a float in the town parade. I took my stint in the Elephant Ear booth and then began work to put the last touches of the church float for the parade. At 4:00 I threw my parade clothes on, grabbed the dog and headed to the parade grounds. It was hot, hot, hot! But we waded through the formalities and came out with another first place ribbon for our float. I have no idea for what category we won. But we won! So Charlie dog and I walked the parade route with the float and got back to the church in time to begin the  major dismantling process. By 8:30 I was meeting the trailer at the house to stack the bales of hay.

At 9:00 I grabbed a jacket and a blanket and hiked down to the football field for the town fireworks. There were lots of people to wander around and talk with and enjoy before I threw my blanket down in the middle of the field to wait for the fireworks.

The fireworks were beautiful. I am continually amazed at how beautiful it is. I am so glad I made the effort to go and I will make sure that I do not miss them next year. That is the perfect place to watch them.

So my 4th of July was very full of activity and very blessed. I laughed a lot and talked a lot and worked hard and it was all wonderful. Now if I can just recover from all that fun .....

Just Connie

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