Monday, July 11, 2011

Dealing With the Piles

My desk is piled with stuff. I do not like the disorder, it distresses me. But yet there has been no time to wade through it all. I finally just pushed it all to one side today so I could work on my sermon. So it is still all piled there waiting for me.

I have found that there is a sense of victory when you deal with the piles. It is hard to force yourself to do it, but when it is done whoo hoo! What a feeling of freedom. I have a few spots like that in the house that it is time to deal with the piles. My sewing room needs to be cleaned out and organized. and the shed needs it as well. I know that the hardest part is just getting started. I am planning on Friday being an organization day for me. So I will begin the task of cleaning and organizing, knowing that it will feel so good when it is done.

The plan is there, now I will see if I can follow through on it, or if my schedule will cooperate and not work against the pan.

I guess time will tell.

Just Connie

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