Friday, July 15, 2011

Challenging People

As a pastor I get invited to all kinds of social events. Some of those events are eagerly anticipated and others ... well let's just say that I go with dragging feet and a sense of dread. You would think as a pastor that I would just automatically love spending time with just everybody. But in all honesty that is not the case.

Some people are challenging to be with. Their own hurts and disappointments so color their lives that I can feel them sucking the life and vitality out of me. Other people are so inwardly focused that it is hard to  keep a healthy conversation going. Other people have lifestyles that are so at odds with mine that it is hard to find common ground.

So what is the answer for these challenging people? I have a feeling that it is more a matter of changing me than changing them. It would be so much easier if the world would just accommodate my preferences and desires. It is so much harder to change me. It means hard work and being uncomfortable and  .... well it means I have to take responsibility for my attitudes.

I wonder if there are people who find me challenging to be with? Oooh ... now that is something to think about.

Just Connie

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