Wednesday, November 13, 2013


After an increasing cough for the last two weeks, I finally broke down and called the doctor. To be honest I was hoping that he would say, "No I do not need to see you." However that was not the case, so in I went.

After listening, poking and prodding he determined that there was no infection (I did not think there was) and my lungs sounded good. On the flip side he wanted to aggressively treat the cough so there would be much less chance of an infection developing. So I came home with 4 new meds to try out.

I have to admit that I am coughing less than I was which is a good feeling. The not so good feeling is the groggy yucky feeling I get from all the meds. But I think the trade off is probably worth it for me. I do not want to end up where I was last year.

So for a change I will be good and do what the doctor tells me. I even came home and slept the meds off this afternoon.

I wonder how long this good behavior can last ....

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