Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I was working at my office at the church when a helpful person came and pointed out to me that our recycling bin was sitting across the street and our recycling day was not until next week. Knowing that it would be in the way where it was, I decided to go out and move it. Being a cold blustery day and me a native Oregonian, I of course did not put a coat on and ran out in the wind and the cold to take care of it.

Of course the recycling bin is about the same size that I am and as usual was over-full. I began to take it back across the street to the back of the church when I stopped for a dump truck going by, I was surprised and blessed when he stopped for me to cross the street. I was further surprised when half way across the street, the wind caught the bin  which then flipped on it's side. Papers and cardboard spilled out across the street. Looking at the mess, I immediately realized that this was not going to be a quick or easy fix. Further realizing that I was holding up the driver and the dump truck I waved him  to try to go around me.

As I stood there with papers spilling out across my feet, I suddenly had this picture of what it must look like. Papers flying the wind, hair whipping, shivering, wrestling this monster recycling bin, with  the driver  just shaking his head in amazement. That was when the giggles began.

Laughing, I began trying to push the paper to the side so the truck could get past me as I tried to drag my hair out of my face so I could see what I was doing. I suddenly realized the dump truck had stopped in the middle of the street and the driver was getting out. As he walked up, "He said, "Looks like you need some help". I laughed and thanked him as together we began to pick everything up.

In a few minutes we had the mess cleaned up and he had taken the bin back to the church for me. As I waved goodbye to my new friend,  I was still laughing and somehow it did not seem quite so cold and stormy anymore.

I have a feeling that this was one of those God meetings. It is not how I would have imagined things happening. But don't you love it when God's plan comes together.

But do I always have to be the comic relief .....

Just Connie

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