Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thinking ...

The word friendship can seem rather subjective and hard to define. Kind of like fine Art, "I know what I like". I know when friendship is really there. It brings joy to my heart and a spring to my step.

I realize that as an extrovert I need people to thrive. But there have been times when I did not have the joy of friendships and people to bolster me. For many years my husband's struggle with alcohol isolated me from family and friends. Over the past 5 years I have been slowly rebuilding past friendships and investing in new ones. I have to admit that it has been scary, painful and a blessing to do so.

But I am finding that friendship is worth it. To be invested in the lives of those around me is really a precious gift. It helps me thrive and grow. It also reminds me that I do not stand alone. I have people to watch my back and hold me up when I falter. People that will remind me that God loves me.

A week ago I had friends drop into our church service. I was so stunned to see them and it filled my heart with such joy to have them with me. I found that joy went with me throughout the week as I thought of their surprise visit.

As I have reflected on that visit and the joy it brought me, it fills me with the  desire to bring that same joy to other people. I want my friendship to fill hearts with joy that lasts and sustains them. I have a feeling that will take some more thought  .....

I am thinking .....

Just Connie

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