Saturday, November 23, 2013


My first inkling of a problem was the howling and growling. Rolling over to look at the clock I realized that it was 2:30 in the morning and there was war going on in my backyard. Jumping out of bed I ran to the patio to join my son who was yelling. and trying to  find his dog.

The quick story was that he let his dog out and there were raccoons on the patio ... and the war was on. Over the next 5 minutes we tried to get the dog out from under the deck. But finally he brought in his snarling growling bloody dog.

And then the work began. I grabbed towels and began the long process of trying to determine what was the dog's  blood and what was raccoon blood. But finally things had been cleaned enough to determine that she had puncture wounds in her ears, her neck and her snout. The blood on her legs and body had no wounds and my guess was that it was raccoon blood. As I cleaned the wounds, I also tried to calm down my son who was ready to go and hunt down the raccoons.

The ending was that the dog is going to be okay, the raccoons are gone for now and I discovered it is very hard to go back to sleep after a raccoon war and middle of the night triage.

I am thinking a nap is sounding pretty good today ....

Just Connie

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