Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Gift

Someone cried for me today. It surprised me, blessed me, encouraged me and made me cry.

I was attending a community meeting when a highly placed city leader from a neighboring community came in and sat across from me. It was so good to see him and he had lots of good information to share with us. At the close of the meeting he came and moved to a chair next to me and asked, "How are you doing?" I began to tell him what the doctors are saying and I watched his eyes fill with tears. He looked at me and said, "You are important to our communities. You have no idea how you are viewed." Then he looked me in the eye and said, "I am not much for praying, but I am going to be talking to God." And that is when I started crying.

He gave me an incredible gift today. He gave me love, support, encouragement and was willing to show me what he was feeling. He reminded me that though I might often feel alone. I am not alone. There are people I would never expect who are loving me, praying for me and want to help.

I am thankful for that gift, thankful for the tears, thankful for the gift of love.

Just Connie

1 comment:

Just Connie said...

What a wonderful gift. You are loved by so many and in so many people's prayer's. People you have never met. We love you