Thursday, November 10, 2016

unexpected Trip

I was in a Chamber of Commerce meeting taking notes when the all too familiar symptoms began to hit. My head was pounding, I was nauseous and dizzy, I was clammy and sweaty and so weak and miserable. My blood sugar was spiking again.

 I took deep breaths and kept telling myself to just get through the meeting and I could go home and lay down. I was surprised when my friend Carolyn who works with the Fire Department jostled my arm and said, "I am here to take you home." By that time I was so miserable that I did not even argue as I gathered my stuff and staggered out the door.

As she loaded me into her car, she explained that the Fire Chief who was sitting next to me called for her to come and get me to be  evaluated by the medic. In minutes I was loaded up on the gurney, hooked into an IV and headed toward the hospital once again.

Over the next 5 hours, they pumped me full of potassium and fluids as they worked to bring my blood sugar down. I left with instructions to present myself to my primary care dr who was expecting me. Once there I was trained how to do insulin injections and put on a sliding insulin dose before meals.

 I left tearful, exhausted and grateful to be going home. Here at home I have been contemplating this new change in my life and trying to rest as much as possible. Now I have one insulin dose under my belt and am confIdent that I can do this even if I do not like it. I do know that I am really ready to not be getting sick every day. I am ready to be off this roller coaster and reclaim my life again.

I am confident that I will come through this. I am confident that there are good things ahead. I am confident that there will be joys and heartaches and things to learn as I journey through this. I just need to keep taking another step forward.

So this is me, taking another step ....

Just Connie

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